Welcome to Kentucky’s Family & Youth Movement!
In creating a “family-driven and youth-guided” system of care, KPFC along with many partners are working to create an infrastructure that invites youth and parents across the state to “Join the Movement.” The Kentucky Family and Youth Movement Steering Committee is working to increasingly empower youth with behavioral health challenges and their families through leadership development and advocacy skills. Furthermore, the principle of this movement focuses on the benefits of family peer-to-peer and youth peer-to-peer involvement. Peer-to-peer involvement gives hope, fosters support and allows for increased opportunities for our youth and families. As the movement grows and strengthens, Kentucky’s youth and parent voice will be a tipping-point for positive, long-term change.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” ~Margaret Mead
To see an overviw of the Family Movement in Kentucky, click above or here: KPFC presentation.family.driven
Parent and Caregiver Positions in Kentucky
To download the above chart, click here: Family Positions
What is a Kentucky Family Peer Support Specialist?
To view information about the Kentucky Family Peer Support Specialist position, click above or here: KFPSS
To view the job description for the KFPSS position, click here: KFPSS.job.description
Code of Ethics of the Kentucky Family Peer Support Specialists (KFPSS)
This Code of Ethics will provide the foundation for Kentucky to establish a family-driven and youth-guided System of Care. The purpose of this code is to define acceptable behaviors, promote high standards of practice and accountability, establish clear expectations and to recognize the dual role Kentucky Family Peer Support Specialists play as professionals who have specific tasks because they are also parents of youth with emotional, behavioral, mental health, and/or substance use disabilities. This process aspires to select, prepare and sustain parents of youth with emotional, behavioral, mental health and/or substance use disabilities in becoming Kentucky Family Peer Support Specialists. KFPSS will provide peer support to other parents as well as work to build a family network within their communities.
To view the Code of Ethics, click here: Code of Ethics